Two guys with a disgusting taste for sexually assaulting children end up hanging in their prison cells where the cameras are mysteriously turned off, and we are just supposed to pretend this is standard operating procedure?
What about the other guy in Canada with the Caribbean island and the 727 that has mountains of rape charges against him that is currently sitting in a prison cell awaiting trial, should we try to act surprised when that guy is ultimately discovered hanging from the rafters as well?
None of this is accidental, and the details of each situation are being covered up by very powerful people with something to lose, but this is how things get done when one chooses to get in bed with the intelligence agencies. Epstein, Nygard, Brunel, and Ghislaine should all know this is how things go when children are used as bait to lure deviants into “honey pot” situations that they can’t get out of.