In this episode, Brian Auten and Chad Gross address the topic of dealing with doubts after losing in trust. They also discuss William Lane Craig’s book on the historical Adam.
0:26 - Weather, seasons, and fun facts about Northern Ireland 3:43 - Resource about Halloween: Ken Samples - The Tricky Topic of Halloween 4:31 - “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill” podcast, and takeaways 8:49 - The Quest for the Historical Adam by William Lane Craig; questions and impressions. Interviews with WLC about the book: Justin Brierley’s interview: Sean McDowell’s Interview: Reasonable Faith podcasts: 15:29 - A surge of posts at Truthbomb Apologetics: The Chick-fil-A argument for the resurrection: 16:59 - Feedback on the Karl Payne Spiritual Warfare Interview Spiritual Warfare for 1.99 on Kindle: 17:48 - Listener question about Doubt 18:54 - Brian’s advice for dealing with doubt 28:50 - Chad’s advice for dealing with doubt