70% of people in the world deeply care about inequality and would like to see a more equal, fair and just world, but simply don't know how to get there.
Our latest guest, Anna Dewar Gully, Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer at Tidal Equality, is fierce in the pursuit of passion, and admittedly obsessed with innovation. Together we explore the profound connection between justice, equality, customer experience, and employee experience. Anna shares a powerful and relatable example of how this theme surfaces in day-to-day experiences, and how inequality ultimately serves as a barrier to positive outcomes and impacts customer interactions.
Join us as we discuss:
Why inequality is a mammoth problem that exists in our society
How equity and equality intersect
Where the focus should be: plurality vs. singularity
How effective consultation methods prevent costly mistakes in large corporations
Why two CEOs are better than one, and the power of partnership in creating change
More information about Anna Dewar Gully and today’s topics: