End Seeking & Live As Truth
These Vlogs are Dedicated to my Mom. I Love You.
Also to Andrew & the HOME DAO. https://thehomedao.com
Everything filmed with iPhone 11 / 14. Edited in Premiere Pro.
You've probably heard before, there's nothing to seek. You're already it. But what exactly am I?
Could there be an absolute answer and a relative answer based on where I'm at in my journey?
The absolute answer as the tether of infinity we've never left.
The relative answer as whatever we believe our limited identity to be.
And how would one go about making a transformation in identity?
It is as though all contraction is in our pain.
And in order to feel the expansion, we must heal.
Purging the perception of victimization. Ceasing scapegoating, no longer able to blame an other.
We have to cry. We have to accept ourselves. We have to accept the whole drama.
And this is where we find our freedom. Finding a spacious identity behind the character.
Uniting with the Source that gives rise to all characters.
Ceasing our obsession with self. Amplifying our alignment as the wHole.
At this point, nothing will matter more than collective prosperity.
Meeting basic needs and helping each other fall in love.
But there is no arguing with the divine course of the ship.
One side of the painting may want to keep its contraction. Do not pry their chains.
The other side of the painting can build new sovereign villages. One is not better than another.
Once you reach this point of balance, you sit in the window.
On one side is transcendent space, vacuous, brilliant potentiality.
On the other side is relative physicality, drama, the greatest story ever told.
Allow everything to be as it is, remaining as the tip of the paintbrush.
Have fun, laugh, love, cherish, enjoy. You've never left home.
0:00 Giza, Egypt
0:08 Athens, Greece
0:17 Stonehenge, UK
0:30 Eiffel Tower, France
0:55 Taj Mahal, India
1:10 Genocide Memorial, Armenia
1:27 Great Buddha, Bodh Gaya
1:43 Les Invalides, Paris
2:16 Vari, Greece
2:25 Hall of Mirrors, Versailles
2:52 Paris, France
3:00 Tiruvannamalai, India