Do you regularly move for enjoyment? Maybe you have a checkered past with exercise and you equate fitness with suffering and a "no pain no gain" mentality. If so, it can feel like a chore you need to do rather than being something you enjoy, or something that brings relief from stress or the other benefits that can come from exercise.
In this episode, we're talking all about how to unlock joy in fitness and how to transform your exercise mindset. The reason this is important is because if we enjoy something, we are more likely to do it and look forward to it! Join coaches Georgie and Shannon as they share client examples and their own stories of overcoming gym intimidation, experimenting with new modalities of movement, and discovering their own love for moving their bodies.
Like with most things we discuss on our podcast, even movement is not a one size fits all! Each person is different, and comes with their own history of movement. So, we want to encourage you that you're not too old, you're not too uncoordinated, you're not too big or too small to enjoy movement, no matter what has happened in the past. Listen in and learn how to take the pressure off and give yourself permission to have a fun time moving around.
If you would like some support developing your own love for movement and don't know where to start, or you have a question you want us to answer on the podcast, we'd love to hear from you!
Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:
Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.
If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.