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A Stitch in time saves 9 - podcast
A stitch in time saves nine. We must do everything we can to avoid going down that road again. But if people don't follow the rules, we've set out, then we must just reserve the right to go further. Okay. We must take action now because a stitch in time saves nine. And this way we can keep people in work.
We can keep our shops and our schools open and we can keep our country moving forward while we work together to suppress the virus.
We must take action now. Because the stitch in time saves nine.
Hello dear English learners. This is Daniel Goodson. I am the host of this show called the Vocab man. So I try to learn relevant expressions or idioms, which I can use in daily life. So I try to become a more fluent speaker. And at the same time, I want to teach these expressions to you guys.
Because learning together makes more fun, I guess. Thank you very much for tuning in.
A stitch in time, saves nine for the individual. Give them another job before they lose their job. It's a lot easier to make that happen. But in short, Australia has another industry before the old one closes down like mining.
So according to the Merriam-Webster website, A stitch in time saves nine is an Idiom used to say that it is better to fix a problem when it is small than to wait and let it become a bigger problem.
The model of that is a proverb. Cervantes said Proverbs are short sentences, drawn from long experience. For example, a stitch in time saves nine. A leopard cannot change its spots. All that glitters is not gold. And once you find the core, then you need to communicate that core. And again, when you communicate it, you're giving a little information and then a little more and then a little more, and it's kind of like flirting, just getting the information out bit by bit, just as much as they need to know.
And it has often been surmised that the same comes from the practice of stitching clothing that needs mending sooner rather than later. This may indeed be the case but it is worth noting that our earliest evidence of use from 1710 appears to not have a direct and litterer literal connection to tailoring.
And it has often been surmised that the same comes from the practice of stitching clothing that needs mending sooner rather than later. This may indeed be the case but it is worth noting that our earliest evidence of use from 1710 appears to not have a direct and litterer literal connection to tailoring.
Is something that I would do for other people and vice versa. Another one is that a stitch in time saves nine, that I'm trying to find the fastest, most efficient way to solve a problem for people. And you see that as soon as you start to describe those truths, the tendency is then to explain what does that lead you to do?
Let me give you some synonyms. The one I like the most is. Procrastination is the thief of time because I am someone who's procrastinating a lot, unfortunately. And another one is prevention is better than cure or better safe than sorry. There are some expressions which are even easier. For example, you could say, don't leave it until it's too late or do it before it's too late. So you're listening to the Vocab man. And this was a stitch in time saves nine, and don't forget to subscribe to the vocab man. Bye.
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Synonyms: Progress by Scott Holmes is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License. informatoin about a stich in time saves 9: