Explore the conventions of the performance genre in fiction writing. Learn about the underdog protagonist, the specific goal or MacGuffin, the flawed mentor, and the supportive team of people. Discover the role of trials and training sequences, social problems, and a worthy opponent. Delve into the importance of the protagonist's internal change and the impact of bittersweet endings. Incorporate these genre conventions creatively in your own writing for compelling stories.
Performance stories center around a character who wants to achieve something specific in order to prove their worth to the world.
The performance genre conventions include an underdog protagonist with special gifts, a specific goal or McGuffin for the protagonist to achieve, a mentor with personal baggage, a team of supporters, trials or training sequences to prepare the protagonist, a social problem or moral challenge, a worthy opponent, a surprising obstacle at a critical moment, an internal change in the protagonist, and a bittersweet ending.
Deep dives
Conventions of the Performance Genre
Performance stories center around a character who wants to achieve something specific in order to prove their worth to the world. These stories show the protagonist's journey of embracing their unique gifts and talents while lacking self-esteem. They teach readers to believe in themselves and determine their own worth. The performance genre conventions include an underdog protagonist with special gifts, a specific goal or McGuffin for the protagonist to achieve, a mentor with personal baggage, a team of supporters, trials or training sequences to prepare the protagonist, a social problem or moral challenge, a worthy opponent, a surprising obstacle at a critical moment, an internal change in the protagonist, and a bittersweet ending.
The Mighty Ducks 'Underdog' Example
In the movie 'The Mighty Ducks,' the protagonist Gordon Bombay and his mismatched team of kids are underdogs with little hockey skills and no wins. However, coach Bombay's special gift and passion for hockey leads them to victory in the state championship. The movie exemplifies the conventions of the performance genre, including the underdog protagonist with special gifts, the specific goal of winning the championship, the mentor with personal baggage, the supportive team, the training and trials to prepare, the social problem of bullying, the worthy opponent in the Hawks, the unexpected obstacle of an injured star player, the internal change in coach Bombay, and the bittersweet ending where they win the championship but also experience personal growth.
Importance of Following Genre Conventions
Genre conventions in performance stories are essential to deliver the emotional experience that readers seek. By including these conventions, writers ensure that their story resonates with the audience. While the conventions may seem obvious, they contribute to crafting a story that works. Writers can put their own spin on these conventions to avoid clichés and predictability. Understanding the purpose and specific reasons behind each convention allows writers to deliver a meaningful story that satisfies readers' expectations while incorporating their unique perspective.
In today's episode, I'm going to walk you through the conventions of the performance genre. I'm also going to show you how these conventions show up in the movie The Mighty Ducks. Here's a preview of what's included:
[01:15] Performance stories center around a character who wants to achieve something specific in order to prove their worth to the world. For example, they might want to win a certain award, climb Mount Everest, be the best in their field, or be famous. [01:55] Readers choose performance novels because they are extremely relatable. Every day we deal with the pressure to perform on the world’s stage, and we are constantly faced with decisions that could result in success or failure. [02:55] Genre conventions are the character roles, settings, and events that are specific to a genre. They’re what help us writers write a story that works AND evoke emotional reactions in our readers. [04:45] #1 - There is an underdog protagonist who usually has some kind of special gift. [05:30] #2 - There's a MacGuffin or a specific thing the protagonist wants to get or achieve. [06:30] #3 - There's a mentor figure with a little bit of baggage. [07:45] #4 - There's a team of people who support the protagonist. [08:40] #5 - There are trials or training sequences that help get the protagonist ready for the big event. [09:55] #6 - The protagonist faces social problems or moral challenges (like bullying or social class divides). [10:55] #7 - The protagonist faces a worthy opponent. [11:30] #8 - There's a monkey wrench that gets thrown into the mix just when it seems like victory is in sight. [12:30] #9 - There's an internal change within the protagonist. [13:25] #10 - There's usually a bittersweet ending. [15:10] Key points and episode recap.
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