End Seeking & Live As Truth
These Vlogs are Dedicated to my Mom. I Love You.
Also to Andrew & the HOME DAO. https://thehomedao.com
Everything filmed with iPhone 11 / 14. Edited in Premiere Pro.
Dropping the delusion of being born and dying,
I find awake space without name, location, or time.
This is found by rejecting all attributes,
a process of pure subtraction.
Metabolizing pain by entering what I fear most,
departing righteousness, entering repentance.
True transformation does not come without psychological death.
An extreme ownership for every feeling of contraction.
Not just on the level of the body, but for the collective organism.
Taking on the burden in this lifetime to be transfigured into the uncreated light.
To be a vessel for the purest frequency of the divine to be channeled through the flesh.
What will remain is wholeness and love, a transformative space for catharsis.
This aura is basic needs for all, creative freedom, and peaceful playground Earth.
Alchemizing all hatred into love. All greed into service.
By realizing one is not, the body effortlessly surrenders to serving the wHole.
Unique cultural attributes can be celebrated, while grounded in peaceful unity.
It is like holding MDMA therapy sessions for all border wars and billionaires.
Fearful memories and hoarding pathways become extinct.
We are left with forgiveness, healing transgenerational trauma.
Petty ego interests are seen as empty, and underlying holistic programs emerge.
We transmute our budgets of weaponry into basic needs prosperity.
Finally an alien civilization looks and says, "they are ready."
As long as you still hate an "other," you cannot be initiated.
Without airing out your most beloved secrets, you are inauthentic, hiding.
Fearlessly say what you fear most and be free of it looming over you.
Cease entertaining anything that is not the highest decentralized and prosperous timeline for Earth.
Lose your self, and find the wHole.
0:00 Jerusalem
0:08 Church of the Holy Sepulchre
0:16 Christ's Tomb
0:31 Western Wall
0:42 Church of Nativity, Bethlehem
0:49 Christ's Birthplace
1:04 Mount of Temptation, Jericho
1:34 Church of the Transfiguration, Israel
2:20 Windsor Castle, UK
2:30 Sainte-Chapelle, Paris
3:05 Musée d'Orsay, Paris
3:25 Louvre Museum, Paris