In today's faster paced, interconnected world, there's little doubt that change is the new reality; the new standard by which we now have to operate. But if leaders recognize change as being a new constant in our organization's field of view, why then are so many leaders struggling to effectively drive change in their organization? It's the question that serves as the basis of my talk with innovation expert and author, Braden Kelley.Braden is an experienced innovation speaker, trainer, and digital transformation specialist. In addition to being one of the co-founders of the respected website,, Braden has published more than 500 articles on innovation as well as being author of the book “Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire”. His latest book is “Charting Change: A Visual Toolkit for Making Change Stick” which will be the focus of our conversation in this episode.Over the course of this episode, Braden and I touch on a number of fascinating insights that he describes in his latest book, including:How leaders can help their employees shift their perception from fearing change to viewing it as an opportunity for learning and growth.Three different types of change and how leaders should shape their message depending on the kind of change they're pushing forward.Two key factors leaders should use to ascertain who needs to be involved in the change initiative.The main reason why a majority of employees resist change in their organization.How leaders can be more effective in not only promoting change, but getting greater support from their employees for the change initiative.As I mentioned at the end of this episode, I’d love to hear what you think about this episode, as well as what other topics you’d be interested in hearing more about in upcoming episodes of my show. Please share your thoughts and ideas by leaving a comment below or by filling out the contact form on my website.I’d appreciate it if you could help support future episodes of this leadership podcast by taking a moment to rate my show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or your preferred streaming platform. links:Buy Braden Kelley's book “Charting Change” on (or for Canadian readers).Learn more about Braden's work and his writings at