Different languages have unique expressions to ask 'What time is it?'
Language and culture influence how people answer the question 'What time is it?'
Deep dives
Different ways to ask 'What time is it?'
In this episode, the podcast explores the various ways different languages express the question 'What time is it?' For example, in English, we use the phrase 'What time is it?' while in Spanish, it is '¿Qué hora es?'. Chinese has a unique expression, '现在几点了?' (xiànzài jǐ diǎn le?), which translates to 'Now is how many o'clock?'. The podcast discusses the different terms and expressions used in various languages to inquire about the time.
Expressions for answering the question
The podcast delves into the different ways people answer the question 'What time is it?' in various languages. In English, responses like '8:50' or '10 minutes till 8' are common. In British English, 'half four' means 4:30. Spanish expressions include 'seis menos diez' (10 minutes to 6) or 'cuatro y media' (4:30). The podcast also highlights how Chinese expresses time, such as '四点半' (sì diǎn bàn) for 4:30. The episode touches upon cultural variations and dialects in expressing time as well.