Recently a lot of you have asked me about how I've learnt Spanish. After living in Spain for nearly 4 years now I think it's actually a good point to look back and share what things I've done to get where I am now.
When I came to Spain at 26 I basically spoke NO Spanish. I'd been taught Spanish at secondary school but had forgotten absolutely everything. After doing a very basic beginners course arrived in Madrid and I didn't understand ANYTHING.
I'm going to tell you how I've managed to get to where I'm at now, some little strategies that worked well for me but also the REAL picture of what it's been like - warts and all!
I hope you can take something away from it or just have a giggle relating to the struggles of learning a language! Even though you might be learning a different language than me, the struggles are the same - getting the grammar right, understanding people, having the confidence to speak etc.
ANNA WITH 2NS PODCAST - Business English every Wednesday