In this discussion, Sarah Maslin, the São Paulo bureau chief, reveals the intricate web of Brazil's political patronage and the fallout from President Bolsonaro's 'Tractorgate' scandal. Tamara Jilks-Bohr, U.S. policy correspondent, shares the societal challenges surrounding black hair in America, highlighting a journey of embracing natural curls amidst prevailing biases. As they navigate political scandals and cultural narratives, they underscore the urgent need for change and representation in both politics and society.
President Jair Bolsonaro campaigned on a promise to overturn the country’s political patronage, but as his popularity has slipped he has come to need it. The latest bids to return to commercial supersonic flight look promisingly quieter, cheaper and perhaps even more sustainable. And our correspondent reflects on the costs of having black hair in a white world. For full access to print, digital and audio editions of The Economist, subscribe here