A mysterious murder case unfolds in room 708 of a motel, showcasing bloodied evidence and connections to organized crime. Investigators unravel the complex character of George Kehoe, leading to confessions and a fatal encounter. The emotional toll on law enforcement and survivors in murder cases is highlighted, emphasizing compassion and trust building.
Police followed evidence from a motel room to solve a murder mystery without a victim present.
Drug-related motives and escalating violence led to a fatal shooting and an unexpected manslaughter plea.
Deep dives
Discovery of Suspicious Evidence in the Dumpster
During a routine trash disposal, an employee at a trucking warehouse in Fort Lauderdale discovers a 22-caliber handgun, bloodied sheets, towels, and motel postcards. The presence of these items, including a scrub brush and a bottle of cleaning solution in the dumpster, indicates a potential crime scene. The police are led to the Sandy Shoes Motel through a bloodied postcard from the motel found in the trash.
Crime Scene Investigation at Sandy Shoes Motel
Police investigate room 708 at the Sandy Shoes Motel and find a bloodied mattress, sheets missing, and a carpet with a wet stain. Drag marks outside the motel room suggest the movement of a body, indicating a potential struggle and transport of a victim. Witness statements and evidence at the motel point to a violent crime that occurred in the room.
Identification and Investigation of George Kehoe
The investigation leads to the identification of George Kehoe as the victim, linking a gun found in the dumpster to him through ATF registration records. His body, bearing gunshot wounds, is later found in a creek in Volckeratone, Florida. Law enforcement collaborates to determine the circumstances surrounding Kehoe's murder.
Unveiling the Culprits and their Account of the Crime
Through witness statements and forensic evidence, Michael Sniffen and Ernie Carluzo are implicated in the crime at the Sandy Shoes Motel. Sniffen reveals a drug-related motive behind the murder, detailing a confrontation that led to the fatal shooting of George Kehoe by Dominic Chicali. Chicali eventually pleads guilty to manslaughter, uncovering a story of escalating violence and criminal activities.
A motel room shows signs of violence - but there’s no victim inside to prove that any crime had actually occurred. A body is soon discovered and linked back to the room. Police now need the final piece: who committed the crime.