In this podcast episode, you’ll hear of a trader who suffered a $500,000 trading loss. Devastating to say the least. But is there a take-away from this experience? What can be learned from losing such a huge amount of money?
That’s the subject of Darko’s latest, always honest and no-holds barred episode. Remember, Darko himself had a similar experience when he was starting out.
This is a great episode that dives into the process of recovering from Forex trading losses, and the critical decisions that need to be made…and honest self-analysis that needs to be done in order to pick up the pieces and move forward.
There IS a way, and Darko will tell you how in this episode.
Thanks for listening, and please feel free to share this podcast with others who may be interested in trading the forex markets.
PS: If you’re thinking joining our service, Darko has an offer that you won’t find posted anywhere. Email him directly.
Vic Noble, on behalf of Darko Ali
Darko Ali Coach’s Corner Forex Training Services: in touch with us on Social Media:
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