Emmanuel Straschnov is the Co-CEO and Founder of Bubble, an online tool to build web applications without code.
Our discussion is about the state of No Code: what it is, where it came from, and where it's going. The pandemic saw a huge growth of interest in No Code in mid-to-late 2020 as people everywhere began looking for cheap and fast ways they could start building from their own homes.
We also talk about how and why Emmanuel chose to bootstrap when he was starting Bubble, and why a lot of Bubble users choose to bootstrap their own companies too: with the ability to build a web app cheaply and quickly at your fingertips, there isn’t as much of a need for fundraising or having a technical co-founder as there was before. With No Code tools like Bubble, will technical founders, or even coding itself, eventually become obsolete?
This episode is for anyone interested in starting their own venture, or anyone, regardless of industry, who is looking for No Code tools to build their first product.
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