Dr. Rountree and Kristi discuss back mice and how they contribute to low back pain. They explore the complexity of low back pain, the challenges in diagnosing it, and the use of ultrasound for treatment. They also discuss non-invasive treatment options, including chiropractic and laser therapy. The episode emphasizes the importance of seeking medical attention and using various treatments for comprehensive care.
Back mice are fatty tissue nodules that can cause localized low back pain, and can be identified through physical examination and diagnostic ultrasound.
A comprehensive and investigative approach, including the use of ultrasound and laser therapy, is crucial for effective treatment of back pain caused by back mice.
Deep dives
Back Mice: A Potential Cause of Low Back Pain
Back mice are fatty tissue nodules that can cause localized low back pain. These palpable and freely movable nodules are commonly found in the sacroiliac region, which is a common area for low back pain. Back mice can be identified through physical examination, as they are tender and can be felt underneath the skin. Diagnostic ultrasound is an effective and cost-efficient tool for identifying and locating these nodules. Treatment options include injections with lidocaine and steroids to break up the nodules, as well as non-invasive laser therapy to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Laser therapy has shown significant improvements in reducing pain and swelling associated with back mice.
The Importance of a Healthcare Detective
When dealing with complex low back pain, it is crucial to have a healthcare provider who is willing to conduct a thorough examination and order the appropriate tests to identify the root cause. Low back pain can stem from various structures, making it challenging to pinpoint the exact source of pain. Imaging tests like MRI and ultrasound can aid in diagnosis, with ultrasound being particularly useful for superficial nodules like back mice. A comprehensive and investigative approach is necessary to ensure timely and effective treatment.
The Role of Ultrasound and Laser Therapy
Ultrasound is a valuable diagnostic tool in identifying and assessing back mice, as it allows for real-time visualization of the nodules. It provides a clear picture of the underlying soft tissues and can help guide treatment plans. In the case of back mice, ultrasound can be used in conjunction with laser therapy to achieve positive outcomes. Laser therapy reduces inflammation and promotes healing, making it an effective non-invasive option for managing back pain caused by back mice. By combining ultrasound diagnosis and laser therapy, patients can experience significant pain reduction and improved overall outcomes.
What the heck are back mice? No, we're not talking about little rodents in your back but rather an abnormality also called episacral lipomas. Join Dr. Rountree, chiropractor and founder of the Laser Therapy Institute and Kristi, a certified Laser Therapy technician as they discuss what back mice are and how they contribute to low back pain.
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