Pleasure is the measure, so satisfy your longings to hang out with me for an hour of free education from Natasha Helfer, a certified sex therapist! React with us as we watch Girl Defined's most uncomfortable, now deleted, highly controversial video where Bethany interviews Christian "sex counselors" as they detail their path through God-honoring, non-orgasmic, duty-bound sex. In this enlightening video, we take a deep dive into the world of purity culture through the hellscape of Mormonism and Christianity. You've heard of Girl Defined reaction videos, but all pale in comparison to the wise, empathetic education Natasha brings to this discussion for those looking to still deconstruct unhelpful Christian sexual dogmas.
Check out Natasha's website and come out to her reclaiming female sexuality event that I'll be speaking at on April 20th in Ogden, Utah!
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