Are you seeking a platform to promote your causes and meet other people who share similar values?
If so, listen in and discover the world's most well-known sustainable community! Austin Kasso highlights the importance of eco-business, sustainable initiatives, and the substantial power of this advocacy to revolutionize the global market paradigm in protecting our environment for the future.
KEY TAKEAWAYS • How do social media promote social causes and build networking • Major concern affecting society in sustainability • How Striver can help people understand sustainable living • Benefits of becoming a Striver member • What should we expect from Striver?
ABOUT AUSTIN KASSO Austin is the Founder and CEO of Striver. He started the Sustainable Living Facebook group which has grown to over 115k members in 99 different countries. He is also named as a Top 10 Local Food Champion in Indiana for inspiring community action and the development of local food systems. More recently, Austin was recognized as one of the Top 50 Sexiest Environmentalists alongside Leonardo DiCaprio and David Attenborough. Austin was a featured speaker at the 2021 Green Summit.