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The Bulwark Podcast

Christians and Political Power

Apr 29, 2024
Snipd AI
Writer and Senior Fellow Peter Wehner discusses the damaging influence of political power on the church, focusing on Trump's impact on white evangelicals. The podcast also delves into Bill Barr's falsehoods and the evolution of Mike Johnson.
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Quick takeaways

  • Political power shapes the church, evident in Trump's impact on evangelicals' credibility.
  • Bill Barr's loyalty to Trump despite acknowledging his erratic behavior is criticized.

Deep dives

Bill Barr's Defense of Trump and Critique of Biden

Bill Barr argued that Joe Biden poses a greater threat to democracy due to a perceived leftist agenda, citing issues like controlling children's education and freedom of speech. Peter Wehner criticized Barr's perspective, highlighting contradictions in Barr's claims, such as misrepresenting border policies. Wehner emphasized Barr's allegiance to Trump despite acknowledging his erratic behavior, revealing a deep-rooted ideological mindset.

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