Trigger warning: The following podcast episode contains graphic descriptions of sexual abuse and sex trafficking. Listener discretion is advised.
Kathy is a wife, mother, author, writer, and advocate who survived being sex trafficked. Kathy’s goal is to fight for those who are still victimized by sex trafficking, and mentor survivors transitioning out of exploitation. Kathy has developed a trauma-informed restorative care program for adult survivors of trafficking, and she’s the Co-Founder of Twelve 11 Partners, an organization that is survivor-led and survivor-focused. In this episode, listen as she talks with podcast host Garrett Jonsson about her experiences of being sex trafficked, how her family and friends played a significant role in her exiting exploitation, and why she thinks it’s possible to end trafficking for good.
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As you go about your day we invite you to increase your self-awareness, look both ways, check your blindspots, and consider before consuming.
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