This podcast explores the challenges and mishandling of low back pain treatment, discusses conservative care options for lower back pain, and evaluates the safety and effectiveness of laser therapy. It emphasizes the importance of considering conservative care options first and provides resources for further information on light therapy.
Conservative care should be the first option tried for low back pain before considering surgery or risky interventions.
Laser therapy, when properly conducted with dosage guidelines, offers a safe and effective alternative to surgery for low back pain treatment.
Deep dives
The Prevalence and Impact of Low Back Pain
Low back pain affects a significant portion of the population, with estimates suggesting that over 90% of people will experience it at some point in their lives. While for most individuals it is an acute episode that resolves on its own, around 30% of people with acute low back pain may go on to develop chronic pain that can be debilitating. The standard approach to low back pain often involves unnecessary referrals to surgeons or early imaging, which can lead to inappropriate surgical interventions and potentially worsen the care received.
The Limitations and Risks of Surgical Interventions
There are significant limitations and risks associated with surgical interventions for low back pain. Fusion surgeries, for example, often provide minimal long-term improvement and may not effectively address the source of the pain. Complications from surgery, such as infection and additional nerve damage, are also common. The use of invasive treatments like spinal cord stimulation, sacroiliac joint fusion, and disc and facet joint replacements without sufficient testing for safety and efficacy is a cause for concern. These procedures are costly and carry risks, whereas non-invasive treatments like laser therapy offer a safer and more affordable alternative.
The Effectiveness of Laser Therapy for Low Back Pain
Contrary to recent studies claiming that laser therapy is ineffective for low back pain, these studies suffer from serious methodological flaws, such as using excessively low dosage levels of light therapy that fall below guidelines. Properly conducted studies that adhere to dosage guidelines consistently demonstrate the effectiveness of laser therapy for low back pain. Laser therapy, which is non-invasive and has minimal side effects, offers a viable conservative care option before considering surgery. With its proven safety and relatively low cost, laser therapy should be considered as part of a comprehensive treatment approach for low back pain.
Oftentimes low back pain is treated with inappropriate medications, surgery, and other risky interventions. However, medical guidelines say that conservative care should be the first option tried. Join Dr. Rountree and Kristi as they discuss low back pain studies, laser therapy for low back pain, and why surgery should be avoided for some patients.
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