In this episode, the story revolves around office conspiracy theories and a white supremacist hacker, creating a tense and mysterious atmosphere. The narrative explores relationships and struggles in a communal living space, with hints of ominous undertones and impending danger. The episode also delves into emotional turmoil and dream-like experiences, keeping listeners intrigued throughout.
The podcast explores workplace paranoia and conspiracy theories amidst a white supremacist hacker threat.
Character dynamics unveil personal turmoil and potential danger, creating a tense and foreboding atmosphere.
Deep dives
Encounter with Manny at the Building
Entering the lobby during a snowstorm, the protagonist encounters Manny, the security guard who served in the Marines. Manny's presence after a previous mass shooting had made tenants uneasy. Their interaction reveals Manny's cryptic conversation about historical events, unsettling the protagonist.
Disturbing Revelation with Shell
Upon engaging in a revealing conversation with Shell, a mysterious and troubling coworker, the protagonist uncovers Shell's personal turmoil and potential danger. Shell confides in the protagonist about a tumultuous divorce and legal threats, demonstrating his unstable nature.
Unexpected Turn of Events and Unsettling Future
As the day unfolds, a sense of unease escalates as Manny cryptically implies hidden truths and an impending crisis. The protagonist's encounters with Manny and Shell hint at a deepening mystery and potential danger within their workplace, leaving an unsettling and foreboding atmosphere.
Chilling Climax and Unveiling of Dark Secrets
The podcast episode climaxes with a suspenseful revelation as the protagonist returns home to a disturbing discovery involving his roommate Brad. The tense narrative builds towards an ominous conclusion, leaving listeners captivated by the unfolding events and the shadowy secrets revealed throughout the episode.
In Zach Williams’s “Trial Run” (issue no. 239, Spring 2022), an employee is subjected to two coworkers’ conspiracy theories when their office is targeted by an anonymous white supremacist hacker. The story is read by Michael Chernus, Danny Mastrogiorgio, and Gabriel Marin.
This episode was produced by John DeLore and Helena de Groot, and was mixed and sound-designed by John DeLore. Our theme song this season is “Shadow,” composed and performed by Ernst Reijseger.