36. How To Meditate The Correct Way: What Most Miss With Meditation
Mar 18, 2022
Explore the essence of meditation for mastery, mastering techniques for mindfulness, detaching from reactive behaviors, and finding moments of stillness in daily life for self-awareness and centering.
Achieving a meditative state enables control over reactions.
Deep dives
Purpose of Meditation and Achieving Mastery
The podcast delves into the importance of meditating correctly by emphasizing that mere daily meditation sessions without integrating that mindfulness into everyday life can hinder personal growth. It highlights that the true purpose of meditation is to achieve a meditative state, immersing oneself in activity to become one with it. By focusing on desired thoughts and ignoring unwanted ones, individuals can master their minds and lives, enabling progress and self-improvement.
Becoming Meditative for Conscious Observation
The episode stresses the significance of becoming meditative, which entails observing thoughts without attachment, enabling conscious observation to choose how one's life unfolds. By achieving this state, individuals separate themselves from reactive patterns, gaining control over their thoughts and reactions. This separation allows for clear observation, realizing that thoughts are external and not defining of one's true self, minimizing suffering and enhancing life's direction.
Steps to Effective Meditation Practices
The podcast outlines a practical approach to meditation through four steps for effective practice. It recommends observing the breath or a neutral spot for 15-20 minutes, acknowledging and refocusing when strong thoughts arise. Attaining a meditative state involves feeling breath slowing down, achieving physical relaxation, and maintaining stillness. Finally, the practice encourages integrating meditative awareness into daily activities, promoting centeredness and proactive decision-making throughout the day.