Felix Salmon is the chief financial correspondent at Axios and the author of the new book,
The Phoenix Economy: Work, Life, and Money in the New Not Normal. Circle Co-Founder, CEO, and Chairman Jeremy Allaire caught up with Felix recently to review his book’s tour of the ways the pandemic has structurally altered our lives – and our financial architecture. “We are now, I think, moving into a much more volatile world and much more unpredictable world,” Salmon notes.
Their conversation touched on:
👉[3:22] A more volatile world
👉[7:49] Profound changes
👉[16:55] The power of fiat currency
👉[24:40] Payment system innovation
👉[26:26] Russia and SWIFT
👉[47:15] Is AI just a party trick?
If you’re interested in learning more about fiscal policy, financial architecture, and navigating volatility, tune in to this episode of The Money Movement.
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About the show
The global economy is experiencing unprecedented challenges and change. Business leaders everywhere are grappling with how to transform their companies to become more digital, resilient and efficient. As we face this change, a new global movement is building around the promise of digital currencies and blockchains — forming a new architecture for the global economy and creating new opportunities for companies everywhere. The Money Movement explores the issues, ideas and icons driving this transformation in how we spend, send, save and store value.
The Money Movement is brought to you by Circle. Our mission is to raise global economic prosperity through the frictionless exchange of value. Learn more about Circle Business Accounts and Platform APIs at
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