As a leader, it's important that you're not just ensuring your employees complete the tasks they're assigned, but that you're inspiring and empowering your employees to deliver their very best. Of course, the onus is not on your employees to simply go above and beyond. Rather, as a leader, it's your responsibility to provide them with opportunities to do work that is personally fulfilling and meaningful. Work that inspires our employees to not simply thrive under our leadership, but to be extraordinary in what they contribute.To help illustrate this point, I share a story in this latest edition of my Leadership Espresso Shot series of a simple interaction between an employee and his leader that reveals how we can inspire our employees to be extraordinary ... by simply by recognizing how every contribution matters.I don't want to give away too much as it's a wonderful story that not only reminds us of the power of small gestures, but what we as leaders should be doing to ensure our employees remain committed to the work they need to do to help our organization achieve its goals.