#259 The Fellowship of the Data Mesh: The Journey to Meshtopia - Mesh Musings 54
Oct 13, 2023
Discover the different paths organizations take when adopting DataMesh. Learn from failures and play to your strengths. Connect with other organizations to adapt Data Mesh to your own journey. Understand the challenges and realities of Meshtopia as a solution for data challenges.
Every organization's DataMesh journey is unique and should be tailored to their specific needs and circumstances.
Meshtopia is not a perfect utopia - implementing DataMesh requires continuous effort to overcome new challenges.
Deep dives
Different starting points and paths to Meshtopia
Every organization starts their DataMesh journey from a different starting point, similar to different organizations starting from different locations on a map. While the destination is Meshtopia, the path taken by each organization will be unique. Some may face challenges like crossing tall mountains, while others may have to navigate through a desert. It is important to understand that there is no standard playbook for DataMesh that applies universally.
Understanding the strategic focuses and starting points
To determine their own DataMesh journey, organizations should understand the strategic focuses of other organizations that have already embarked on the journey. By connecting with these organizations and learning about their starting points, strengths, and weaknesses, valuable insights can be gained. Instead of trying to replicate the exact steps of another organization, it is more effective to adapt and tailor the approach to fit the specific needs and circumstances of one's own organization.
Realistic expectations and continuous effort
Meshtopia is not a perfect utopia where all data challenges disappear. Implementing DataMesh requires continuous effort and work to overcome the new challenges that arise. It is important to be realistic and understand that despite the benefits it offers, DataMesh does not guarantee an effortless journey. Organizations must focus on finding their own path, leveraging their strengths, addressing weaknesses, and collaborating with others on the journey.
Every organization starts from a different location when heading to Data Meshtopia. Every journey will look different. Try to understand why they chose to do what when - often by just getting in touch and asking them.
Because the journey looks different, where you put your focus when will depend. Look to the fundamentals of what are you trying to achieve, how to achieve short and long-term value, and how are you making progress.
You can choose your own journey - there are different paths to getting to Meshtopia, just because you look like another organization doesn't mean you have to tread the same path.
Think about the old trope of playing to your strengths while shoring up your weaknesses. This doesn't mean ONLY play to your strengths, that is where I am seeing the most failures… Just because you're bad at governance doesn't mean you can ignore it…
Find your fellowship or fellowships. Find people to constantly stay in touch with and exchange information. They are also your best leverage points quite often: "Hey, we want to do XYZ approach, Scott here says this is a very standard approach from these 10 organizations and here are the pitfalls so we aren't making this up out of our butts."
Meshtopia isn't some utopia. It's not as if all our problems are suddenly solved - some of the old lingering ones might be but there are new problems to battle too. It's not as if life is blissful the second you get to a better place.
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