The Principles of Communism: Friedrich Engels and Communist Political Theory
Sep 27, 2023
Friedrich Engels' 'Principles of Communism' and its theoretical substance are discussed. The draft highlights the decentralized nature of capitalism, the need for collective ownership, and the inevitability of revolution. The abolition of private property, communal raising of children, and misconceptions about communism are explored. The distinction between socialists and communists is clarified, along with the relationship between Marx and Engels. The importance of collaboration for building a better society is emphasized.
The abolition of private property is crucial for the revolution in the social order necessary for the development of industry and the advancement of humanity.
The proletariat, as the class that lives entirely from the sale of its labor, plays a crucial role in bringing about revolutionary change.
Communism offers the potential to overcome the limitations fostered by capitalism, allowing for a more egalitarian and fulfilling existence.
Engels emphasizes the importance of collectively controlling and utilizing the means of production to revolutionize the entire social order, shedding old economic habits and evolving toward a more equitable existence.
Deep dives
The Abolition of Private Property: The Central Demand
The abolition of private property is the central demand in the communist program. Private property, which entails the individual appropriation of social production, is the cornerstone of capitalism. It is the root cause of exploitation, inequality, and the cyclical crises of capitalism. The abolition of private property means the collective ownership and control of the means of production, leading to the common utilization of all resources and the distribution of products according to a common agreement. This serves as the main demand of communists and is crucial for the revolution in the social order necessary for the development of industry and the advancement of humanity.
The Proletariat: The Working Class as the Revolutionary Force
The proletariat, as defined by Engels, is the class that lives entirely from the sale of its labor and does not draw profit from any kind of capital. In this text, Engels emphasizes the significance of the proletariat in communist theory. The proletariat is central to the communist program as it is the class that has the potential to bring about revolutionary change. Engels compares the proletariat to various other groups such as slaves, serfs, and old handicraftsmen, highlighting their unique characteristics and the crucial role they play in the transformation of society.
The Implications of Communism: An Evolution or Revolution in Human Development
Communism holds the potential for an entirely different kind of human development. Under capitalism, individuals are shaped and limited by the material conditions of the system. Capitalism fosters greed, competition, individualism, and various negative aspects of human nature. However, communism offers the possibility of overcoming these limitations and fostering a more egalitarian and fulfilling existence. Collective ownership of resources and planned economies can lead to the liberation of individuals from meaningless toil and allow for personal development and self-actualization. Communism aims to create a social order that enables individuals to flourish and reach their full potential.
The Abolition of Private Property: Envisioning a New Social Order
The abolition of private property is a fundamental aspect of communism. Private property, the individual appropriation of social production, lies at the core of capitalism. Engels emphasizes that the abolition of private property is essential to revolutionize the entire social order. By collectively controlling and utilizing the means of production, society can transcend the confines of capitalism and enter a new era characterized by communal ownership. In this new order, the concept of money becomes obsolete, production expands, and society undergoes profound changes, allowing humanity to shed its old economic habits and evolve toward a more equitable and fulfilling existence.
The Vision of a Transformed Society
In this podcast episode, the speaker discusses the vision of a transformed society. The speaker emphasizes the importance of transcending class society and its divisions to become fully human. It is argued that a society that incentivizes higher natures, such as solidarity, altruism, cooperation, and love, would bring forth a better part of human nature. The current system is deemed as dehumanizing and brutalizing for both the exploited and the exploiters. The rich are characterized as being small and insecure, constantly protecting their wealth and living in fear of not deserving what they have. The speaker emphasizes the need to transcend class society and create a society that is worthy of the name 'intelligent species' in order to reach our full human potential.
The Role of Feminism and Revolution
The podcast explores the role of feminism and revolution in transforming society. The text refers to Engels' work 'The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State' and highlights its significance in understanding patriarchy. Engels analyzes the historical and materialist aspects of patriarchy and its connection with class society. The importance of socializing domestic care and reproductive labor is discussed, advocating for communal child-rearing and the socialization of domestic responsibilities. The goal is to remove the dependence imposed by private property. The concepts of community of women and prostitution are addressed, criticizing reactionary interpretations and emphasizing the fight against commodification of human beings in any realm.
Different Types of Socialists and Communists
The podcast examines different types of socialists and communists. The speaker discusses Engels' categorization, including reactionary socialists, bourgeois socialists, and democratic socialists. Reactionary socialists are seen as holding feudal and patriarchal views and striving to restore a society that has already been destroyed by capitalism. Bourgeois socialists aim to maintain present-day society while eliminating its inherent problems. Democratic socialists support measures that overlap with communist ideals but view them as sufficient to abolish the miseries of the current system. While challenges are presented, the importance of working with various socialist groups is acknowledged, while maintaining critical engagement and discussing differences.
Applying Marxism in Contemporary Contexts
The podcast raises the issue of applying Marxism in contemporary contexts. While recognizing the value of foundational texts like the 'Principles of Communism,' it is emphasized that the ideas must be creatively applied to each specific situation. The importance of understanding local history and culture is highlighted. Moreover, it is noted that theory and practice should be intertwined, generating knowledge through experiential struggle. The significance of engaging in communal and collective struggle, as well as the balance between theory and practice, is underscored. The need to challenge dogmatism and avoid sectarian divisions within the left is also emphasized.
Together, they discuss the document, highlight and explain its theoretical substance, and have a wide-ranging discussion about Communist political theory, connecting the past to the present in the process.