The Ribhu Gita (Chapter 26) ~ No Music ~ Ramana Maharshi ~ Advaita Vedanta
Feb 26, 2025
Dive into the profound teachings of the Ribhu Gita, where self-knowledge reveals the path to joy and liberation. Explore the journey of transcending duality to embrace non-duality, leading to eternal happiness. Discover the significance of pure consciousness and identity transcendence, guiding listeners toward enlightenment. The podcast emphasizes unity with the Supreme Absolute and the liberating power of self-awareness, all while advocating meditation as a key to achieving bliss and freedom from the cycle of birth and death.
Absolute reality is an all-encompassing state characterized by undifferentiated existence, consciousness, and bliss that transcends dualities.
Attaining liberation requires merging with the absolute state by relinquishing attachments, thereby recognizing one's true nature as the Supreme Being.
Deep dives
The Nature of Absolute Reality
Absolute reality is described as an all-inclusive, undifferentiated existence that transcends concepts and dualities. It is characterized by qualities such as existence, consciousness, bliss, and an inherent non-duality that connects all beings. The state of absolute reality is said to be immutable and tranquil, allowing one to experience joy beyond fear and separation. By realizing that all manifestation is ultimately an illusion, individuals can achieve a firm understanding of their unity with this supreme reality.
The Path to Liberation
Attaining liberation involves actively merging one's mind with the absolute state, free from all thoughts, emotions, and experiences that create duality. This process requires letting go of attachments to concepts of good, evil, body, mind, and even the definitions of existence. Only through diligent practice can one escape the cycle of birth and death, embracing the bliss that comes from recognizing one's true nature as the Supreme Being. This liberation is accessible to all, as even those with troubled pasts can achieve purity of mind through understanding and consistent contemplation of the Supreme.
The Experience of Non-Dual Bliss
The essence of true bliss is found in abiding as the undifferentiated Supreme Being, which goes beyond any mental or emotional constructions. In this state, the individual realizes that separateness is merely an illusion, and the myriad thoughts and identities dissolve into pure existence. This experience fosters profound tranquility and a sense of completeness, where individuals no longer perceive distinctions between themselves and the Supreme. By maintaining this conviction, one can achieve a lasting state of happiness, liberated from the concerns of existence.
One of Bhagavan Ramana's Maharshi's favourite traditional spiritual works was the Ribhu Gita. He often referred to the Ribhu Gita in his talks with devotees and seekers, and is reported to have said that if one repeatedly read Chapter 26 of the Ribhu Gita one could pass spontaneously into Samadhi, or the natural state of Self- Realization. Ribhu Gita means "The song of sage Ribhu", who received the knowledge from Parama Siva, the supreme lord. It forms the sixth canto called Sankara of the hundred thousand verse epic Sri Siva Rahasyam.
🙏 May whatever goodness arises from these readings/offerings be for the benefit of all sentient beings.