In today's episode, Stuart welcomes Greg Potter. Greg is co-founder and Chief Science Officer of Resilient Nutrition, a UK-based company that makes products designed to help athletes perform better that are simple and delicious. In addition to this role, Greg helps a range of individuals improve their health and performance, from elite athletes to CEOs to people who have mood disorders. Since he did his PhD on the topics of sleep, circadian rhythms, nutrition, and metabolism, Greg spends much of his time helping individuals sleep and eat better. Stuart and Greg discuss all things related to sleep. Low hanging pieces of fruit that'll help you get better sleep, whether or not your weight-loss client should prioritise sleep, naps, how caffeine intake affects sleep, how to know if you're getting enough, the effectiveness of wearables and much more!
[02.04] - What major changes Greg has made to his own sleep habits since he started studying sleep.
[04.47] - Why he's changed his use of devices before bed.
[09.47] - His advice around what to do when you're in a period of getting less sleep.
[12.12] - Naps.
[15.52] - The caffeine nap.
[20.22] - Supplementing with creatine monohydrate to help mitigate the effects of sleep loss.
[25.07] - How important is sleep when you have a client who wants weight loss and doesn't sleep well?
[32.02] - How to decipher if your sleep isn't good or you're not getting enough sleep?
[37.27] - Low hanging pieces of fruit to improve sleep.
[39.22] - Caffeine intake and sleep.
[45.02] - Quick mention of Matthew Walker's Why We Sleep book and the criticisms.
[47.20] - Things he keeps getting asked about that are not that important like sleep stages assessed through wearables.
[49.12] - Sleep resources.
[52.02] - The company he co-founded called Resilient Nutrition.