Episode 26: Social Media "Activism" (ie. Strangers Showing Up & Taking a Shit in Your Comments) & How NOT to Be an Asshole on the Internet with Tristi Weston
In this episode, my former high school pal Tristi Weston and I...
discuss Tristi's journey as the mother of a chronically ill child and starting a massive social media community and organization called Humanizing the Badge
discuss how cancel culture and social media call-outs = someone showing up in your comments or DMs, taking a shit, and leaving you to clean up the mess
share how social media is full of people living in a perpetual state of offense and how nervous system dysregulation shows up online
discuss the harmful effects of harassment and dehumanization on social media
talk about Tristi's work to facilitate real-life conversations in communities and why that work is so much more important than social media "activism"
share the importance of having real-life, trusted communities for learning, growing, responsibility, and accountability
consider both the intention and impact. of what we post on social media and how we engage (or don't engage)
discuss the cost our nervous systems pay when we engage in and/or are targeted by internet call-outs, smear campaigns, and debates
share why we keep doing what we do online even though social media is a cess pool
give our best insights for navigating social media while trying to be a good human
discuss nervous system literacy and why we need to listen to our bodies when we're engaging on social media