Looking for my favorite stories about Christian saints and heroes? You’re in the right place!
That’s what I’m talking about in today’s short episode of the Read-Aloud Revival. (Heads up, I’m Catholic, so a lot of these titles will be of special interest to Catholic listeners. 🥰)
There are lots of wonderful stories of Christian heroes, but these are some of my favorite short picks, perfect for mixed-age groups.
You’ll hear…
- my favorite non-gory picks (because some of these stories can get… well, gruesome)
- recommendations for a wide age-range
- Bible hero ideas (including a favorite on audio)
Find the rest of the show notes at https://readaloudrevival.com/190/.
To join us for the "Reading as Refreshment" Retreat on 1/31-2/1, sign up at circlewithsarah.com!