Kathleen Marden, the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, is one of the world’s leading UFO/close encounter experience researchers, as well as being an experiencer herself. We welcome her back to Dreamland to discuss her new book: Forbidden Knowledge, a Powerful Journey from Alien Abduction to Spiritual Transformation.
Whitley and Kathleen go deep into a dialogue about Kathleen’s lifetime of bizarre experiences, from the moment she learned about her aunt Betty Hill’s abduction and her own close encounters, to the profound spiritual journey she is on now – and where the future might lead her…and us.
Around 12 minutes into the interview, something incredibly STRANGE happens involving Whitley’s radios. (These are the radios tuned to the little used 144.1 MhZ frequency that never stop receiving an unknown signal–but only in Whitley’s apartment.)