Ordinary Elders, Part 1: Working for the Joy of Others
Jan 19, 2023
Guest David Mathis, a pastor, discusses the role and responsibilities of pastors and elders. Topics include shepherding God's flock, the significance of the shepherd metaphor, and not lording it over others. Also discussed are the importance of working for the joy of others in Christian ministry, finding joy in God's word, and prioritizing the joy of the church over personal preferences.
Good pastors prioritize the joy and well-being of their congregation, serving with humility and gentleness.
Pastoral ministry is an opportunity for pastors to find joy in serving their congregation, cultivating a deep relationship with God.
Deep dives
Pastors as Workers for the Joy of the Church
Pastors are called to be workers for the joy of their congregation. This means they should not approach their role with a sense of duty or compulsion, but willingly and eagerly. They are to serve as examples to the flock, not lording their authority over others, but leading with humility and gentleness. Pastors should also not seek personal gain or advantage from their position, but rather focus on the welfare and joy of their congregation. They are called to be shepherds, caring for and nurturing the flock, guiding them to green pastures and protecting them from harm. This vision of pastoral leadership is rooted in the example of Jesus, who served and sacrificed for the church. When pastors prioritize the joy and well-being of their people, the church thrives and brings glory to God.
The Importance of Joyful and Willing Pastorship
Pastors are not called simply to fulfill their duties, but to serve with joy and eagerness. They should not view their role as a burden or obligation, but as a privilege and opportunity to bring joy to their congregation. Pastors are to exemplify Christ-like leadership, leading with humility and compassion. They should not seek personal gain or power, but instead focus on the joy and growth of their people. By nourishing their own souls through the Word of God and cultivating a deep relationship with Him, pastors can find the strength and joy to serve their congregation wholeheartedly.
The Role of Pastors in Shepherd
Pastors are called to shepherd their congregations by leading, guiding, and protecting them. They should not dominate or control their flock, but rather serve as examples of faith and love. This involves caring for the spiritual needs of the church, providing guidance and support, and ensuring the well-being of the congregation. Pastorship is not about exerting power or authority, but about shepherding the flock with love, compassion, and humility. Good pastors work diligently and willingly, laboring for the joy and growth of their people.
Seeking Joy in Pastoral Ministry
Pastoral ministry is not just a duty, but an opportunity for pastors to find joy in serving their congregation. By prioritizing the joy and well-being of their people, pastors can experience the joy of Christ and the fulfillment of their calling. They are called to be workers for the joy of the church, guiding and nurturing their congregation with love and humility. This involves studying and meditating on the Word of God, cultivating a deep relationship with Him, and continually seeking His guidance and strength. When pastors embrace joy in their ministry, it leads to a flourishing church that brings glory to God.