Anjuli Sherin is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in trauma recovery, resilience-building and cultivating joy. Since 2003 her practice has been working primarily with Immigrant, South Asian, Middle Eastern, Muslim & LGBTQI populations. In addition to over 30000 hours of individual and group work, she is the creator of three programs: five-day, 12-week and 10-month-long Cultivating Resilience, including a five-day residential retreat in Hawaii on Embodying Joy.
Anjuli has been widely recognized for her unique achievements in the mental health field. In 2007 she received the Emerging Leader Award from the E-women network, a nationwide business community, where she shared her award-winning essay in front of a live audience of 2500 and to thousands more online. Anjuli has also been featured in O, The Oprah Magazine, as a finalist of the O Magazine/White House Leadership Project.
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