This week on Hot Take, we’re off! But, we’ve brought you an episode from one of our favorite shows - Scene on Radio. Amy was the co-host of the most recent season, along with John Biewen. If you like this episode, make sure to check out Scene on Radio to listen to the rest of their 5 episode series about climate change. Next week, we’ll be back with more Hot Take! The climate emergency is here. How did we break so bad? How did we become the kind of society that would unleash so much destruction on our only home, and ultimately on ourselves and our children? And, crucially, who is this we? Our story starts with the Book of Genesis. By host and producer John Biewen, with co-host Amy Westervelt. Interviews with David Pecusa, Bina Nir, and Kate Rigby. Follow us on twitter @RealHotTake and signup for our newsletter at