This week on The Knight Tube, Stephen Knight (@Gspellchecker) is joined by Journalist and evolutionary biologist Colin Wright (@SwipeWright). Colin has spent a significant amount of his time debunking a lot of the anti-scientific claims made in service of gender ideology. On this episode a number of those claims are covered in detail.
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0:00 Intro 0:21 2:18 What is ‘male’ and ‘female’? What can science objectively tell us about the distinction between the two? 5:11 What is ‘intersex’? Is it relevant to the current debates about gender? 8:15 Is an intersex condition really as common in the general population as red hair? 11:27 Why get involved in this issue? How does it affect you at all? 15:24 Has academia been completely captured by gender ideology? 16:54 The current state of ‘new atheism’ and atheist organisations 21:16 The accusation that open debate on gender ideology will lead to trans suicides. 25:13 Puberty Blockers: What do they do? How are they used? Are there permanent effects? 29:42 Is any progress being made in the States on this issue compared to the UK? 32:17 The effects of gender ideology on free speech in the UK. 36:18 Gender v Sex. 39:40 In what ways do men have biological advantages of women in sports? 44:24 What role does testosterone play in sex differences? 46:11 Attempts to control the language: ‘sex assigned at birth’? 49:31 How credible is the claim about ‘social contagion’?
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