Learn about the dangers of online scams and frauds, including sextortion and phishing. Discover tips on how to protect yourself online and the importance of reporting incidents. Explore phone habits, balance, and taking breaks from screens. Hear stories about unfiltered online behavior and ideas for preventing drunk texting and tweeting.
Being mindful of what we share online and aware of potential vulnerabilities can help protect us.
Using a password manager and creating strong, unique passwords is crucial for online security.
Deep dives
The importance of treating online security like home security
Just as we secure our homes and cars, it's crucial to have the same attitude towards online security. Being mindful of what we share and being aware of potential vulnerabilities can help protect us.
The need for password managers and stronger passwords
Using a password manager and creating strong, unique passwords are crucial for online security. Password managers can generate complex passwords and store them securely, making it easier to protect our accounts.
The risks posed by social media oversharing
Posting personal information and details about our lives on social media can make us vulnerable to fraudsters and identity theft. Being cautious about what we share and limiting the information we make available can help protect us.
Addressing the threat of sex extortion and spoof messages
Sex extortion is becoming increasingly common, targeting individuals who fear the release of compromising videos. Additionally, spoof messages can imitate trusted contacts, leading to financial fraud. Reporting suspicious messages and educating others about these threats can help combat them.
What phone habits are making us unsafe online? How can we guard against phishing, scams and frauds without tying ourselves up in knots? Joining us this week is ethical hacker Scott McGready to talk about how to get the balance right between sharing and oversharing; and how to make sure embarrassment doesn't stop us talking about some of the seedier scams circulating online. Follow Scott on Twitter https://twitter.com/ScottMcGready and check out his squirrel pix on https://www.isntagram.com/scottmcgready For more about Tanya Goodin visit https://www.tanyagoodin.com and https://www.twitter.com/tanyagoodin Find 'Off: Your Digital Detox for a Better Life' on Amazon: https://getBook.at/OFF And 'Stop Staring at Screens' is on Amazon too: https://getBook.at/STOPSTARING For more about Time To Log Off visit the website https://www.itstimetologoff.com Find us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/timetologoff Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timetologoff and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/timetologoffnow