Exploring the essence of true religion and self-realization for freedom. Attaining liberation through self-awareness and contentment. Emphasizing recognizing one's true nature and detaching from the physical self for clarity.
Recognizing oneself as the supreme, the Paratman, leads to true freedom.
Maintaining self-confidence in one's real nature above body consciousness is crucial.
Deep dives
Self-Realization Leads to Freedom and Contentment
Recognizing oneself as the supreme, the Paratman, leads to true freedom. The constant conviction of being the Supreme Self brings contentment and independence. Contentment indicates the attainment of reality, and absence of doubt signifies contentment. By detaching from body consciousness and realizing one's true nature as Brahman, liberation and freedom are experienced.
Importance of Maintaining Self-Confidence and Awareness
Maintaining self-confidence in one's real nature above body consciousness is crucial. Deviating from self-realization leads to doubt and misgivings. It is essential to remain observant and rooted in the self to avoid disturbances to contentment. Alertness and recognition of oneself as formless, clean, and pure, even during daily activities, ensure peace and liberation.
Exploration of True Religion and Self-Realization for Freedom
This is a selection of key pointers from Siddharameshwar. Siddharameshwar Maharaj is one of the greatest unknown saints of the age who attained the highest abode of Eternal peace. He was born in August 1888 in the small village of Pathri, in the district Sholapur of India. From 1925 until 1936, he taught many disciples and helped dozens attain Self-realisation. His teachings were further spread around the globe by his most revered disciples, such as Ranjit Maharaj, Nisargadatta Maharaj, and others.
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