429 | Refutations and Historical Problems of the Quran with Dr Jay Smith
Aug 26, 2023
Dr Jay Smith, a scholar specializing in refutations and historical problems of the Quran, discusses the refutations to a controversial book challenging the Quran. They also explore the historical inaccuracies in the Quran, particularly the mention of the Samaritan and Moses. Having even one mistake in the Quran raises questions about its divine preservation.
The book 'Corrections in Early Quranic Manuscripts' by Dan Brubaker challenges the traditional belief of the Quran being perfectly preserved, causing a fierce response from Muslims.
Historical inaccuracies within the Quran, such as mentioning the Samaritan in Moses' time before their existence and discrepancies in the direction of prayer, undermine the Quran's claim of accuracy and divinely inspired.
Deep dives
The Impact of Daniel Brubaker's Book
Daniel Brubaker's book, published in 2019, has caused a stir among Muslims. The book highlights the changes and corrections found in the Quran manuscripts, and the Muslim response has been furious. Some Muslims have tried to refute the claims made by Brubaker, but their critiques have been flawed and misrepresented his arguments. Brubaker continues to research and document the corrections, with thousands more examples to come. The book has clearly hit a nerve within Islamic academic circles, challenging the traditional belief that the Quran is perfectly preserved.
Historical Errors in the Quran
The Quran claims to be error-free and contains historical accuracy, but upon closer examination, there are glaring historical errors within its text. One example is the mention of the Samaritan in Moses' time, even though the Samaritans did not exist until 722 BC, which is centuries after Moses. This contradiction undermines the Quran's claim of perfect preservation and accuracy.
The Kibla and Masjid al-Haram
Another issue in the Quran is the direction of prayer, or the kibla. Islamic tradition states that the kibla was originally Jerusalem, but later changed to Mecca. However, historical evidence contradicts this claim. Furthermore, the Quran mentions the Masjid al-Haram, the sacred mosque in Mecca, despite historical records indicating that the mosque did not exist during the time period described in the Quran. These discrepancies raise questions about the Quran's accuracy and its claim of being divinely inspired.
Dr Jay and Al Fadi discuss the refutations to Dan Brubaker book: Corrections in EarlyQuranic Manuscripts. one of the refutations is by Hythem Sidky who writes a book responding to Dan's book. Dr Jay and Al Fadi also talk about the historical problems of the Quran, they give an example from Sura 20 : 85-87,95-97, where it talks about a Samaritan who lived in the time of Moses and helped the Israelites build the golden calf. The problem with that story is the time period ; Moses lived in 1400 BC and the Samaritan did not exist until 722BC. In conclusion; having even one mistake in the Quran proves that is not divinely preserved.