#703 Claiming fair use is not a magic wand you can wave to stop people from suing you. In fact, even if you're in the right, you can still get dragged into legal procedures that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. So, how do you use copyrighted material in your content without getting in trouble? That's what we cover in this chat with the internet's favorite legal analyst, Emily D. Baker. Tune in because she helps us understand the fair use system and work within it to put ourselves in the safest position when using other people's videos, photos, music, and more. We also dive into monetizing content you don't own and what to do when someone copies your original work. If you've listened in on my previous talk with Emily in episode 621, you know she puts a fun twist on topics that can often be dry or overwhelming. So join us for this awesome educational opportunity! Show notes and more at SmartPassiveIncome.com/session703.