When it comes to our leadership, how generous are we with the knowledge we have and the people we know in terms of helping others to succeed? And why is this so critical to our ability to succeed as leaders? That's the focus of my conversation with best-selling author and former executive Tim Sanders.Tim is a New York Times bestselling author, speaker, and former Yahoo Chief Solutions Officer. Tim has been featured in Fast Company, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and ABC news. His approach to leadership and business is simple – share what you know and who know you to help others succeed, and do so with compassion towards others. Its those very principles that are the focus of Tim's New York Times best-selling book – and the focus of our discussion in this episode - “Love Is The Killer App: How To Win Business & Influence Friends”.Over the course of our conversation, Tim shares a number of fascinating insights and stories, including:Bizlove is having a genuine desire to see others succeed without expecting anything in return. - @SandersSays [Share on Twitter]Too often we focus on the wrong people: on those who boost our ego instead of those we truly helped. - @SandersSays [Share on Twitter]Use gratitude to drive you forward, but don't treat it as your sole motivator for helping others - @SandersSays [Share on Twitter]When you're generous and effective at growing other people, people will follow you. - @SandersSays [Share on Twitter]Caring leaders are more able to get their employees to take action than leaders who don't care. - @SandersSays [Share on Twitter]There are, of course, many more fascinating and thought-provoking insights shared during this episode – it's just that some can't fit into 140 characters or they're just so much more enjoyable to learn hearing them from Tim himself. This episode also features a number of fun and insightful stories, including a reading trick my middle daughter Malaika – whose not much of a book-reader – uses to capture and recall information she reads in books assigned for school.As I mentioned at the end of this episode, I’d love to hear what you think about this episode, as well as what other topics you’d be interested in hearing more about in upcoming episodes of my show. Please share your thoughts and ideas by leaving a comment below or by filling out the contact form on my website.I’d appreciate it if you could help support future episodes of this leadership podcast by taking a moment to rate my show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or your preferred streaming platform.https://open.spotify.com/episode/7AVaYZ9WpO3tyrYQq25oYw?si=fb9cdc80f50a4babNoteworthy links:Buy Tim Sanders' book “Love Is The Killer App” on Amazon.com (or Amazon.ca for Canadian readers).Check out the special Leadership Biz Cafe webpage on Tim's website featuring exclusive content for my listeners at TimSanders.com/LBC.Learn more about Tim’s work and his writings at TimSanders.com.