San Francisco resident Ruth Wilcox decided to buy her first pure electric vehicle in 2020. She looked at a few different brands, including Tesla, but eventually decided to purchase an Audi e-tron. What made her elect the Audi over the others? And two years later, what have been the highs and lows of ownership? What about charging? And what are some of the quality issues Audi engineers need to address? Joining the conversation is Ken Wilcox, Ruth's husband. Ken loves his gasoline-powered Audi TTs. Ken finds that electric cars are lacking when it comes to the emotional joys of driving and shifting gears in a car powered by an engine that you can feel and hear. Ruth confesses to missing her beloved Saab, too. You will really enjoy the point-counterpoint (he-said-she-said) flow of our conversation this week on the Driving With Dunne podcast.