Today on Elixir Wizards, we speak with two great minds in the Elixir community: Frank Hunleth from SmartRent and Joe Martin from Company Six. Join us to parse the particulars of Nerves, from production and terminology, to stacks, customization, and how they function.
*Please remember to take our LISTENER SURVEY so we can come back bigger and better for Season 10 – Coming in early 2023!! *
Key Points From This Episode:
How both Frank & Joe became interested in Elixir
We learn what nerves is currently being used for in production
How Nerves is being utilized within farming and energy companies
What the elevator pitch for nerves would be
How well nerves play with pre-existing embedded projects in other languages, especially when having to coexist within a system
How much can a user customize nerves
What is Buildroot and the functions that it serves
Frank explains how there are two worlds: elixir world & nerves systems
Joe and Frank let us know what they are most excited about in the near future of nerves and Elixir