beabadoobee, a Filipino-British artist with an unabashedly pop sound, discusses her latest album 'Beatopia' and her first-person lyrics about love, breakups, and magical matters of the heart. The podcast includes a musical performance, an interview about her music career and inspiration, the process of creating the album, and the joy of making music at home. She emphasizes the importance of supporting artists and the platform.
Beba Doobie reflects on the challenges of fame in the music industry and the enjoyment it can bring.
Beba Doobie discusses the inspiration behind her album 'Biotopia' and the therapeutic experience of creating it.
Deep dives
Evie introduces the podcast and thanks listeners
Evie, the host, introduces the podcast by thanking the listeners for their donations and expresses gratitude for the presence of Beba Doobie as a guest on the show.
Beba Doobie's journey and experience of fame
Beba Doobie reflects on her journey in the music industry, starting at a young age and quickly gaining fame. She discusses the overwhelming nature of fame and the pressure it can bring, but also acknowledges the fun and excitement that comes with it.
The creation and meaning behind the album 'Biotopia'
Beba Doobie shares the inspiration behind her album 'Biotopia', which originated from her childhood escapism. She talks about the therapeutic experience of creating the album and how it allowed her to delve into repressed emotions. She also discusses the evolution of her sound and the freedom she felt in the creative process.
beabadoobee is the stage name for Filipino-British artist Beatrice Laus. Her latest album 'Beatopia' is available on the independent label Dirty Hit. The music is unabashedly pop, with most songs clocking in from 2 ½ to 3 ½ minutes. She grabs your attention, hits you with the hooks, and moves on. Her light, airy delivery compliments first person lyrics about love, breakups, and magical matters of the heart.