Do you want to interview well for that executive position you're applying for? Apply for Dr. Grace's executive coaching program at and elevate your career and life!
Whether you're applying externally into a new company for an executive position or you're eyeing for a role promotion from your current organization, you will need a new strategy in navigating the interview.
As an executive coach, Dr. Grace helps career professionals approach their interviews from a different perspective and achieve a successful outcome. Here, she corrects the 5 most common mistakes you can easily make while preparing for your interview.
Catch how not to fall for the usual trap career professionals make from this episode. Apply the strategies on how to best answer even the most common interview questions and tailor it towards your success.
Show notes and free resources:
Do you want to move up in executive leadership?
Want to elevate your communication skills, leadership abilities and influence in the world around you?
If you're ready to start leveling up in your career and you want to develop all of the skills and professional acumen that will allow you to grow into senior executive positions with confidence, apply here:
Answer a few questions to see if you qualify for Dr. Grace's executive coaching program, then book a time to speak with a member of our team.
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With Love & Wisdom,