Michael works as a Rolfer and therefore works with the body every day; and, he states, “we are not properly introduced to our bodies in this culture.” He designates most of the hours of each day touching people, and the underlying philosophy may surprise you. This episode reminds us all to attend to the form from which we manifest each moment. Michael’s meaning in life is born from attending to people’s body, and his personal story will help you understand how he has become so enlightened by his work on the body as a student of the biochemist, Ida Rolf, Ph.D. Growing up on the East Coast, living on the East Side in New York City in the late 60s, and then moving to California in the 60s opened Michael’s eyes beyond what he had come to know in his traditional upbringing at all male boarding schools and Yale University, wherein he studied Russian literature. From random nights watching a live performance from Lou Reed in the east side of New York City in the late 60s to random encounters with Ram Dass or Alan Watts, Michael has a deep connection with the epicenter of the explosion of American counterculture and the exploration of human consciousness in the late 60s and 70s in California. Michael discusses how Eslen and Ida Rolf were both at the center of his studies of the body and consciousness.
Michael’s bio:
Michael Laird McIver, Certified Advanced Rolfer
Currently in 44th year of practice as a Certified Advanced Rolfer.
Rolf Institute of Structural Integration
Basic Rolfing Training, 1973
Emmett Hutchins, Instructor
Rolf Institute of Structural integration
Advanced Rolfing Training, 1974
Dr. Ida P. Rolf, Instructor
Rolf Institute Board of Directors, 1993-97
Chairman, Red River Region of the Rolf Institute
Massage Therapy Instructor, Texas, 2014
Massage Continuing Education Provider, Texas, 2014
Aston-Patterning Consultants, 1977-78
Applied Rolfing Techniques
Judith Aston, Instructor
Monterey Peninsula Nursing School, 1971-72
Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry
Esalen Institute Massage Therapy Staff, 1971-73
Yale University, 1963-67
The Hotchkiss School, 1959-63
Michael's website:
Theme music provided by:
Song of the week by: Collin Herring
Collin’s music:
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