WebAssembly: The Next Frontier in Cloud-Native Evolution - OpenObservability Talks S5E02
Jul 25, 2024
Discover the transformative power of WebAssembly in cloud-native applications, with insights on performance, portability, and security. Explore the evolution of containers and Kubernetes, benefits of WebAssembly's flexibility, and its practical use cases in platform engineering and IoT devices. Learn about advancements in observability with OpenTelemetry support, community contributions in maintaining Wasm Cloud, and the project roadmap for future developments.
WebAssembly offers unparalleled performance, portability, and security in cloud-native applications.
The component model in WebAssembly enhances application development through standardized interfaces and streamlined SDKs.
The WebAssembly ecosystem promotes growth and collaboration, welcoming contributions and emphasizing compatibility for diverse use cases.
Deep dives
Understanding WebAssembly (Wasm) and Its Versatility
WebAssembly, known as Wasm, presents a hot topic in tech discussions today, heralded as a step beyond containers in virtualization evolution. Wasm offers a compact and versatile alternative, ideal for cloud applications. Contrary to its name, Wasm is not limited to web applications but extends its benefits to cloud computing, boasting smaller binary sizes and cross-platform capabilities. Comparatively, Wasm startup times outclass containers, allowing rapid scaling with reduced resource consumption.
The Component Model: Enhancing Application Development
The introduction of the component model in WebAssembly elevates application development by providing standardized interfaces for various functionalities. Analogous to the Unix philosophy, this model allows for composing application-level primitives akin to microservices, leading to more streamlined SDKs. Embracing the component model translates to enhanced virtual platform layering, allowing for seamless integration across different languages and environments.
WebAssembly Ecosystem and Community Collaboration
The current state of the WebAssembly ecosystem signifies a period of growth and collaboration within a vibrant community. While still evolving, the ecosystem welcomes contributions from startups to tech giants like Microsoft. Noting rough edges, the community actively refines core functionalities, encouraging developers to partake in shaping the future of the WebAssembly ecosystem. Emphasizing compatibility over dependence, WebAssembly caters to diverse development environments and use cases, appealing to those exploring innovative approaches in application construction.
WebAssembly in Functions as a Service
Using WebAssembly with functions as a service (FaaS) platforms like Azure Functions and AWS Lambda is predicted to be a crucial trend in the next five years. This approach enables easier development and deployment of components without the complexities of managing bespoke container setups. WebAssembly allows for more efficient use of resources compared to traditional workloads, making it adaptable across various environments, including edge computing.
Wasm Cloud: Running WebAssembly Components
Wasm Cloud, an open-source project under CNCF, introduces a component model that facilitates running WebAssembly components in a distributed and interchangeable manner. Serving as a Kubernetes equivalent for WebAssembly, Wasm Cloud delivers pluggable interfaces while ensuring compatibility and supporting dynamic configurations. By leveraging a flat network topology and NATS technology, Wasm Cloud enables geo-distributed applications with seamless failover and hot-swappable capabilities across various deployment targets.
Time to explore the next frontier in cloud-native evolution: WebAssembly (WASM). Moving beyond containers and Kubernetes, WASM bears the promise to revolutionize the cloud landscape with unparalleled performance, portability, and security. Can it actually deliver on this promise? We discussed this and more it in this episode.
We delved into how WASM is transforming the way we build and run cloud-native applications, enabling a more efficient, scalable, and flexible infrastructure. We also got latest insights from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s work in the domain, the wasmCloud open source project and the tool landscape, along with the work of the WASM working group and standardization efforts with the Bytecode Alliance.
This episode’s guest is Taylor Thomas, Engineering Director working on WebAssembly platforms at Cosmonic. He serves as a co-chair for the CNCF’s WASM working group, and as a CNCF Ambassador. He actively participates in the open source community and is one of the creators of Krustlet and Bindle. His work at Intel, Nike, and Microsoft spanned various containers and Kubernetes platforms as well as WebAssembly platforms.
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