Rebecca McLaughlin is joined by Dr. Danielle Treweek to have a conversation about singleness and marriage.Questions Covered in This Episode:
What is the spiritual climate of Australia?
What are the health benefits of regular participation in church?
What does the subtitle of your book, “Retrieving an Eschatological Vision for the Contemporary Church” mean?
When you say “the life to come,” what do you mean?
Why are you gonna be single forever?
Help us understand how we got to our current viewpoint on singleness.
How are we currently idealizing and idolizing marriage?
What does the New Testament say about sexual immorality?
How might those of us who are married help to reclaim the value of singleness?
Guest Bio:Dr. Danielle Treweek is a Christian theological researcher, author and speaker whose ministry focus lies in resourcing Christian individuals & communities on biblical singleness, sexuality, theological retrieval, worldview formation & other related topics.Resources Mentioned: