If you follow financial advice on social media, you may already know about “The FI Couple.” They are a husband and wife team in their early 30’s with a huge following on Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms, to help spread the word about financial independence – which is the FI part of their name. In this episode of The Real Wealth Show, Ali & Josh Lupo talk about their humble beginnings as college students pursuing degrees in social services and a wedding that provided a big wake-up call about their finances. It was bad. They had a whole lot of debt and knew they had to do something about it. They turned to podcasts, and videos, and learned about “passive income” through real estate investing. From there, they mapped out a plan, and within a few short years, they are job optional and expecting a baby girl. But it wasn’t just the financial part of their relationship that they worked on. They also spent a lot of time on their personal relationship and their skills in communicating with each other to help them envision and align their goals as a couple. They also love to share their experiences with other people as "The FI Couple". Once you are enchanted by them in this interview, you can find out more at their website:
theficouple.com, or on social media @theficouple on all major platforms. My hubby and partner, Rich Fettke, also joins me as co-host for this episode. He is a long-time coach who loves to help people realize their dreams and live their best lives. He recently published a book called “The Wise Investor” about a family man who wants to free up his time with passive income from real estate. Rich's book is
available on Amazon. If you’d like to find out what a coach can do for you, please check out our RealWealth coaching services. You need to be a RealWealth member to access the coaching page inside the Realty Portal, under the “Connect” tab. It doesn’t cost a thing to sign up as a member. Just go to
realwealthshow.com. And please remember to
subscribe to this podcast! Thanks for listening! Kathy Fettke