S5E11 - Science and Spirituality: Crystals, Quantum Physics, & Healthy Skepticism with Nicholas Pearson
Sep 3, 2023
Nicholas Pearson, a leading voice in crystal healing, joins the hosts to discuss the blend of science and spirituality in working with crystals. They explore ancient origins of crystal healing, harmonizing energies, and the correlation between electromagnetic coherence and health. They also discuss entrainment, consciousness, bias, and the importance of finding additional resources. Listeners can connect with Nicholas and find his books on their website and support independent bookstores.
Crystal healing combines science and spirituality to work with the energy of crystals, providing a positive impact on mood, perception, and overall health.
Flower essences contain the energetic imprint of a plant's consciousness and can bring balance and harmony by working on a subtle level to address emotional and soul qualities.
Deep dives
The Origins of Flower Essences
Flower essences were developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, a physician and homeopath. He sought a therapeutic model that treated the whole organism and observed the connection between personality traits and therapeutic needs. He developed a method of floating freshly harvested blossoms in water and sunlight to capture the energy and consciousness of the plant. These flower essences contain the energetic imprint of the plant's consciousness and are believed to work on a subtle level to bring balance and harmony.
Understanding Crystal Healing
Crystal healing combines science and spirituality to work with the energy of crystals. Crystals have a clear and coherent structure at the molecular level, which is believed to influence our own energy fields. When we interact with crystals, their energy fields entrain with ours, teaching our energy fields to become more rhythmic, energetic, and crystalline. This can have a positive impact on our mood, perception, and overall health. Crystal healing is a dynamic and ongoing practice that requires alignment and balance.
The Power of Perception and Projection
Our perception and projection play a significant role in magic and healing practices. Our bias and belief in the effectiveness of a practice can influence the outcome. It is essential to be open-minded, critical thinkers, willing to ask questions and seek effective answers. Perception and projection can also affect our interaction with spirits, deities, and the environment. Tuning in to the frequencies and harmonics of the spiritual realm requires attentiveness, neutrality, and a willingness to listen.
Exploring Flower Essences and their Therapeutic Benefits
Flower essences are dilute solutions that contain the energy signature of a plant's consciousness. Developed by Dr. Edward Bach, flower essence therapy focuses on balancing emotional and soul qualities through the use of these essences. By ingesting or topically applying the essences, individuals can experience subtle but profound shifts in their emotional states. Flower essences provide a gentle reminder of what an imbalanced state looks like and help individuals align with a balanced and harmonious frequency.
In this episode, Elyse and Leandra are joined by author Nicholas Pearson, discussing entrainment, quantum physics, and more as he explains the scientific approaches we can apply to our use of crystals, flower essences, and expanding our magical practice as a whole.
Nicholas Pearson has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for nearly 30 years. As one of the leading voices in crystal healing today, he offers a unique blend of science and spirituality alongside a grounded, practical approach to working with crystals. The author of several books, including Crystal Basics and Flower Essences from the Witch's Garden he lives in Orlando, Florida.
Herbalist, Tea Witch, Shadow Witch, Occultist, Blogger & Author Leandra Witchwood has 25+ years of working knowledge in the Craft. Her training began with Ceremonial Magick evolving into a more organic free-form style of Witchcraft. Her work includes Magickal Herbalism, Tea Magick, Shadow Work, and Kitchen Witchery. Leandra also writes books on Witchcraft. Learn more at www.LeandraWitchwood.com or www.TheMagickKitchen.com
Elyse Welles is a Greek -Egyptian & American earth intuitive witch and author. An initiate of the eclectic Faery Tradition, her practice is centered on connections to land spirits and sacred places (numina). She is also a monthly columnist for The Wild Hunt, Witch Way Magazine, and Full Moon Magazine. Her debut novel, "Wha
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